Home Birth
“A midwife [should possess] a lady's hand, a hawk's eye, a lion's heart,”
As a midwife, my goal is to bond with the families that I serve, that I may be a guide and an educator to allow them the empowerment of making their best decisions about their pregnancy, delivery & parenting. To hold the space for them by creating a safe container for the journey that is theirs (!), with a “lady's hand, a hawk's eye & a lion's heart.”

Is Home Birth for You?
I had a knowing that there was no other place that I would birth my babies than at home, even with my first. This is true for a lot of mother's, however, some aren't sure and need to take their time really researching and most importantly...really diving in deeply into their intuition to know...where is the place that they feel most safe, from a primal space, so that they can truly surrender to the organic birthing process.
I do believe that birth can be a beautiful and empowering journey, wherever one chooses, with the right preparation and nurturing.
Connect with Cara or keep reading to learn more about home birth.
Your Sacred Nest
I become somewhat speechless when it comes to birthing your child at home...it is such a space of feeling, and not words. Comfort, safety, knowing your surroundings so well that your protective logical brain can more simply melt away, allowing for your body and intuitive self to take over. Labor is a time for "going into your cave" into the depths of oneself to bring forth the new life. For a lot of mother's this cave is more easily dropped into at home.
Having your own bathroom, linens, images, and smells. The ease of curling up into your own bed with your new baby, while the midwives & family clean up your space, bring you food, & you (as a new mama) do not have to pack-up and go anywhere. Having a true "lying-in experience."
Surrender and Trust
Giving birth at home is a special and meaningful experience. It requires a family to take responsibility, communicate openly, and trust themselves, their partners, and their midwives. When a family chooses to have a home birth, they understand that they are in a comfortable environment where the birth can happen naturally, which often results in a safer and easier birth.
However, it's important to understand that no midwife can guarantee a completely risk-free birth, and being at home means being farther away from a hospital in case interventions are needed. The family must have faith in their midwife's ability to determine what is safe and be willing to go to the hospital if necessary.

“I do believe that birth can be a beautiful and empowering journey, wherever one chooses, with the right preparation and nurturing.”
~Cara Frantz, Midwife