Midwifery Care
Comprehensive primary care for medical, emotional, physical & educational needs throughout pregnancy, including prenatal and postpartum care.
Full Prenatal Care
Care may start in pregnancy or even before, with preconception counseling that focuses on optimizing health and well-being in preparation for the miraculous journey of birth. As a modern midwife, I blend the timeless support and wisdom of traditional midwifery practices with the wealth of knowledge and advancements in medical obstetrics.
This synthesis allows me to offer my clients a unique and holistic approach, ensuring that they are empowered and educated to make informed decisions throughout their pregnancy and childbirth experience. By nurturing a strong partnership with my clients, I strive to create a nurturing and empowering environment, guiding them towards a safe and fulfilling birth experience that aligns with their individual values and goals.
Birth Care
Choosing to birth at home is a profoundly sacred decision that requires a family to fully embrace self-responsibility, engage in open communication, and place trust in themselves, their partners, and their midwives. Each component plays a crucial role in the success and safety of the home birth experience.
By creating a nurturing environment within the comfort of their own home, families allow the birth to unfold naturally, in accordance with the innate wisdom of their bodies. This natural approach tends to result in a smoother and safer birth experience, as the body is allowed to move and progress intuitively. Midwives, with their extensive knowledge of physiological birth, provide vital support throughout this unique journey.
However, it is important to recognize that no midwife can guarantee a risk-free birth, even in the home setting. Home births entail a distance from a hospital, which may be essential should the need for interventions arise. Families must place their trust in their midwife's expertise and judgment, relying on her ability to assess safety and act accordingly. If a midwife determines that transferring to the hospital is necessary to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby, it is imperative that the family respects and abides by this decision.
In the realm of midwifery, the profound bond and trust between families and midwives are the foundations upon which positive birth outcomes are built. Together, families and midwives create a sacred space where the safety and well-being of both mother and baby are paramount. Through open communication, meticulous planning, and unwavering trust, families who choose to birth at home can embark on a transformative journey that embraces the beauty and power of birth.
Postpartum Care
As an experienced midwife, I am committed to providing comprehensive and personalized care to both mothers and newborns. In addition to attending home births, I also offer in-home checkups and follow-up care for a period of 6 weeks after the birth.
This extended care allows me to closely monitor the well-being of both the mother and the baby, ensuring that they are both progressing in their postpartum recovery. During these checkups, I provide support and guidance to the mother, addressing any concerns or questions she may have regarding her physical and emotional well-being.
Moreover, I conduct thorough assessments of the newborn's growth and development, including weight checks and screenings for any potential health issues. By offering continued in-home care, I aim to create a safe and nurturing environment for the mother and baby as they transition into their new life together.